Our projects

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Here you will find information about our current projects and how you can support needy children and families in Nepal with us. Join us to help children to a better life! We deliberately focus on seven essential haput areas, each project is assigned to one area:

  • Education
  • Empowerment / Family
  • Environment
  • Equipment
  • Health
  • Nutrition
  • Protection

School Notebooks

In most preschool classes in rural schools in Nepal, there are hardly any learning materials and toys, and the quality of school materials is extremely poor. School children often lack basic equipment for school. In Nepal, it is common for most rural children to attend school, and continuous school attendance is always uncertain. Unfortunately, the situation of children in Nepal shows that they are often exploited. Our goal is to buy 3,600 notebooks for orphans and children’s homes. Each one costs 43 Rupees (approx. 0,32 €) and has 62 pages including cover and back. The paper of the notebooks ensures that the children can write well with an ink pen. Cost: approx. € 1.600,- incl. distribution.

Cyber Security/ Mobing & Abuse

Abuse and bullying is visibly growing. We support prevention of child sexual abuse on the internet through education, empowerment, training and education.

Our goal is to raise about €5,000 to support an existing project.

School Supplies & Uniforms

In the Musahar community, a significant number of children miss out on education due to prevailing challenges. Primary education sees more enrollment than secondary levels, leading to high dropout rates. Gender disparities persist, with girls predominantly engaged in domestic work, resulting in lower enrollment than boys. Illiteracy and financial struggles to exacerbate this educational lag. approx. €3.500,–

We will buy School supplies (Bag, Copy, Pencil, water bottle, color box, pants, shirt, and slippers) and Uniforms for 150 children.

“We usually devote our attention to those who have a big mouth in the media. Yet it’s often the small projects that make change possible. I want to make such projects heard.”

Holger Volland, Chief Executive Officer Brand Eins