Office Puja & Worshipping Goddess”Laxmi”

Today we would like to share our office Puja activity with you that happened 19th of October. We follow an ancient tradition and celebrated it in our Kathmandu office. So to speak our first one which we are very excited about.

What is all about? Goddess Laxmi is believed to be the goddess of good fortune, wealth, beauty and light. Laxmi Puja is celebrated as a part of Festival Tihar, a second national festival of Nepal after Dashain and therefore one of the most significant festivals.  Goddess Laxmi loves cleanliness and purity. Therefore, it is very important to keep your house, office clean and pure during Laxmi Puja  – actually always as possible 🙂 It is believed that goddess Laxmi visits those houses, which are very clean and pure shining with burning lights.
We especially clean and mop the house with cow dung or red soil to make it pure and clean. We then offer flower, fruits, red colour powder (abir), sweets to the goddess and worship her on the night of the Puja. We lit up our house inside and outside in order to light up the path goddess Laxmi comes to our house / office. On Lakshmi Puja, people buy gold and silver, precious gemstones, new utensils of copper, brass and bronze as a sign of good luck, prosperity, money and wealth.”




Madan first cleaned the office and prepared the lights, sweets, flowers and other relevant things. Together the stairs were mopped as well as the entrance with red mud and the team started to create the colourful entrance for the goddess Laxmi. A place near to the window was created to keep her photo frame and also to decorate it to look  beautiful. At the night, everybody prayed together with colourful lights, flowers, red colour powder, sweets to worshiped Goddess Laxmi for good fortune, wealth and beauty of B.B.U.N and to remain it forever with us.

We believe that after the Puja is done, Goddess Laxmi will then remain in our Home / Office and the purity and good luck will be always there.

bbuildsupnepal – Let´s create a better life for children in Nepal.

We are creating a Better Transit Home in Kathmandu for street children, runaways or children who were victims of abuse. Help making a difference for children and families in Nepal.


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