German Ambassador in conversation with human rights activist.

A few days ago we received an email from the Embassy in Kathmandu with a link to a discussion between Roland Schäfer (German Ambassador) and Ms Mandira Sharma (lawyer) on transitional justice and human rights in Nepal, which we would like to share with you.

Rotary Club Berlin-Nord and bbuildsupnepal.

It was planned for a long time and then it took place: with great pleasure we accepted the invitation to the Rotary Club Berlin-Nord meeting in February to present our organisation and the trip to get “there”. Presentation title was: “Transit: a journey and new future for children in Nepal.” Birgit: “It was a lotContinue reading “Rotary Club Berlin-Nord and bbuildsupnepal.”

A tour: Transit Home – a street children program in Kathmandu

Come with us and and have a sneak view on how the Voice of Children temporary home for street children looks like. Birgit takes us on a tour. We want to make sure you know where parts of our raised funds will end up.

Transit Home / Dropping & Socialization Center for boys

We went to visit Voice of Children in Kathmandu to learn about their work, the programs they are running and their facilities. It is amazing to see how this organization is taking care of the children and all the other work that is done from preventing, to capacity building to education to provide families withContinue reading “Transit Home / Dropping & Socialization Center for boys”

Happy Reunion

We met Laxmi and the children for the first time in 2015, right after the earth quake. We travelled to meet them 5 times, supported Women and Children Service Center for a bit over 2 years and finally went back to meet up again. It was really good to meet them all incl. the newContinue reading “Happy Reunion”

A Harmful Tradition Which Turns Girls And Women Into Untouchables / About “pureness” and believes

Today we want to touch a topic of delicate nature. A topic which needs to be addressed. If we like it or not, still these days in some places of Nepal girls and women when having their periods are treated as “dirty“, “impure“ and “contaminating“!?? This is the reason why often they are expelled fromContinue reading “A Harmful Tradition Which Turns Girls And Women Into Untouchables / About “pureness” and believes”