Insights and Facts about Nepals Education Sector – education is key.


“The world is more educated than ever before, with the average number of years spent in school increasing every year. A new report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCED) found that 85% of young adults aged 25-34 years have attained upper secondary education, wich typically starts at around 15 or 16 years of age.  43% have gone further and have a tertiary degree.


In 2017, 27 countries have fully closed the gap on the educational attainment sub-index, three countries more than last year. Benin, Guinea and Chad hold the last three spots on this sub-index, with Chad having closed less than 60 % of its education gender gap. In total, there are 18 countries where women still gave less than 90% of educational outcomes than men. More positively in South Asia, India has succeeded in fully closing its primary and secondary education enrollment gender gaps for the 2 year running and for the first time has nearly closed its tertiary education gender gap as well.

On a national level, data from the Ministry of Education, Economic Survey 2016/2017 shows that there are a total number of 35,222 schools in Nepal, out of which 34,736 schools provide primary education, 34,920 provide basic level education and 9,379 schools provide secondary level education. Looking at the enrollment rate in 2016/17 female enrollment was 96.6 % and male 97.3%.


Women’s enrollment in education seems to be higher in Bachelor’s level as well, but is considerably lower in Master’s and Ph.D level. Out of the total of 356,455 enrollments in Bachelor’s level, there were 189,567 female, that is around 53%. However, for Ph.D, out if 448 enrollments only 68 were from females. Enrollments are high in fields such as: management, education, humanities, and social science. On the contrary, Sanskrit and Ayurveda had least number of enrollments.” (source: Book FACTS OF NEPAL 2018 Edition,

Some other insights:

Not very child can go to school like for example street children or children of parents who can not effort to pay for the school fee or the school uniform. Yes, also public school has a fee. Who ever can effort it, ensures that their children will go to private school as education is much better.

In Nepal, the school education system comprises of Primary (1-5 grades), Lower Secondary (6-8 grades) and Secondary (9-10 grades). Grade 11 to12 (known as Certificate level or 10 + 2) is Higher Secondary Education and university education comprises Bachelor and Master level.

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